
Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 5.23.33 PM
Hollywood Prayer Network– how to pray for the biggest money maker in the entire United States.

That fantastic book, website, or music I mentioned in my blog? It is all right here: The best sources for discipleship, personal growth, equipping yourself for God’s work, and family reconciliation.

Why do I devote an entire page to these resources? Because I believe God has anointed the authors and creators of each one in a unique way, a way that ministers to our generation with a powerful voice that stops us in our tracks and demonstrates how to take the next step in the Kingdom of God. Take a long look!

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 5.23.33 PMHollywood Prayer Network is an NPO looking to change the face of Hollywood for the Kingdom of God. They offer countless ways to get involved and pray for our future brothers and sisters in Hollywood, their neighborhoods, and their churches. In their own words, they want tobuild the bridges, light the way, and bring hope and healing to an industry that dramatically shapes our world( Visit their site to see how you can join the movement!

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Spiritual Slavery to Sonship by Jack Frost is a book that wildly changed my outlook on life and relationships forever and taught me how to really know my identity in the love of God our Father. Is there tension between you and your parent(s) or children? Is your marriage not all you thought it was cracked up to be? Do you constantly feel you will never live up to ______’s standards of you? You need to read this. In Jack’s own words, “No one can be a father [mother] who has not first been a son [daughter]” (p. 161). Learn to be secure in your identity as a son/daughter of God. Read it. I’m serious. Consider also reading Experiencing Father’s Embraceby the same author. Both books are $12 on

Taipei streets in Ximen, very close to the Aroma's Location
Taipei streets in Ximen, very close to the Aroma’s Location

Adventures in Taiwan, you say? Yes. In 2015-2019, Skye held an internship with The Aroma Cafe in Taipei, the capitol city of Taiwan. Why? The Cafe is, in their words, “more than just a coffee shop.” It’s a place where the countless young people that flock to the shopping district of Ximen (where The Aroma is) can come and experience community. They can find the love and reality of a different kind of existence – life with Jesus Christ.
The hope of the people who work at The Aroma Cafe is that the Taiwanese would smell the “aroma” of Christ, just as it says in 2 Corinthians 2:15, “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing” (NIV).

Be assured there will be more resources to come!