God’s Littlest Missionaries

Last week, I got an amazing message from a supporter of mine in Minnesota:

“We are having a Vacation Bible School this week, and have decided to raise money for you to come home for Christmas! So my request [is that you write down] 20 fun facts about you:

1. [What is your] favorite color? 2. What do you eat for breakfast? 3. What is your favorite animal?…..” (-Anonymous Donor 😉

I'm guessing their VBS was Jungle themed ;)
I’m guessing their Vacation Bible School (VBS) was jungle-themed 😉

I was shocked, floored, amazed, touched, and humbled all in the same moment, and probably more things, but mostly the latter. Thanks to a group of elementary school students and their families, I have now come $179.03 (US) closer to being able to buy a plane ticket home for Christmas! 🙂 Thank you, sweet children~

I am inviting you to join in with them and help me raise the rest of the money I will need to purchase a ticket home for a couple of weeks to see my family. Because of the visa I have, I cannot fall behind in school and risk getting too bad of grades so I will have to keep the visit shorter than I would like. But, I am itching to be back with my family and friends, and to taste the winter air.

Can you help me out too? If I bought a ticket right now, it would cost about $1,200. So I need about $1,000. Would you be willing to join in with these wonderful kids and help me go home for Christmas?

Please Pray!

  • Please pray for the kids who helped me raise $179 to buy a plane ticket!
  • Please pray for other opportunities to raise and/or earn the money for the tickets 🙂 My mom and dad will really thank you!

If you can give, email me at skyebird93@gmail.com for more details (please do not donate online before letting me know, for the purpose of using the money you have donated for the correct purpose!).

The Secrets Are Out!

If you wanted to know the answers to the 20 Questions About Skye, here they are!

20 fun facts about Skye:

1. Favorite color: Emerald green
2. What do you eat for breakfast? A hamburger or a sandwich
3. What is your favorite animal? Dogs
4. What color are your eyes: Brown and sometimes green
5. What is your favorite ice cream? Mint chocolate chip!
6. Do you like to sing? Yes!
7. Do you like to draw? Yes!
8. What is your favorite song? “At the moment? Shepherd by Bethel in Chinese.”

9. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes! If I’m particularly inspired! 😉

10. What is your favorite beverage? Bubble milk tea

11. When was the last time you climbed a tree? Two or three months ago at a women’s event in the park.

12. What do you do for fun? Go hiking or play games with my friends.
13. Do you swim in lakes where you are? No… 😢 There aren’t any lakes around where I live.
14. Do you like to exercise? Only if it involves biking or playing a game! 🙂

15. Do you drink chocolate milk? Yes! There’s a cafe I like to go to that sells mint chocolate milk and it’s so good!

16. Do you read, and [if you do,] what do you read? Yes, I love reading. I read the Bible and some other books that teach me about God’s kingdom.

17. What makes you happy? Kids, the color green, playing music with other people, my little brother.

18. At 5:15pm our time what time is it there [in Taiwan]? 6:15am… the next day! (I’m in the future haha)

19. How long of a plane ride is it? Over 17 hours, and with a layover in Japan or South Korea more like 23 hours.

20. Do you have pets? Just my little house brothers, haha =) (Zephaniah and Elijah) (No)

Very Important Please Pray!

  • Please pray for my friend Chen Jie. She got something they call heat sickness here, and I just came back home from Ximen where I prayed for her. Praise God she let me pray for her…in front of her shop’s next-door neighbors too!
  • Please pray for a friend who is having extremely hard relationship problems right now. Please pray God continues to give her the strength and patience to wait for God’s saving hand.

Keep the Faith, Expectantly!


One thought on “God’s Littlest Missionaries

  1. Update on Chen Jie: she is doing much better now. She has been closing her shop early now per doctors orders, and tonight I sat with her for an hour or so as she worked before she left to go see a doctor in Xindian. Thank you for your prayers!

    Please continue to pray for my friend and her relationship, that God would do a mighty healing power in them.

    Keep the Faith,



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