First Outreach Day 3 Quick Prayer Requests

Hello all! We are busy like bees getting the students and ourselves prepared for the first night of outreach in Dresden, Germany. We will be starting conversations based on several prompts, including, “What is the problem?” “What went wrong?” And asking interview questions, later doing a flash mob in the streets around the train station and a shopping mall with a gospel proclamation to follow with time for conversation with the onlookers.

Please pray for these things!

  1. For guidance and power from the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)
  2. Health for those who are sick or getting over colds like me! 🙂
  3. Pray for an extension for my Visa to stay in Europe after the school — I am praying to be able to stay and join two impact events with Steiger to propel the teams in Torino, Italy and Madrid, Spain!! Need grace for an extension, to be able to figure out funds for flights, and anointing for the teams when we/they go speak to the churches and youth in both cities!! Please pray, I really want to be there and be a part of what God is doing!

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