Week 2 of SMS 2023

This has been an amazing week— the students are really getting to know each other, and are starting to really get hold of the concept that they want to go deeper with God.

Sessions David and Jodi have preached this week have been about deeper subjects and the Lord is doing some intense work in students’ hearts— I’ve seen students praying together, taking prayer walks to seek God about things the Lord is bringing to their attention: maybe lies they’ve been believing like “I’m unloveable” or “I will never be able to have victory over lustful thoughts” or “God doesn’t see me” etc.; or talking about how God is stirring up some calling in them, perhaps to lead a city team in outreaches to the youth of their city; or how God is showing them how not to compare themselves to others in their gifting and callings.

The Ukrainian regional leader, Angela, has been sharing her testimony of how she came to be a Steiger missionary and another on Hearing God and following the lead of the Holy Spirit. She also led the students to do a comparison of David and Saul and how they responded to moments when they were under pressure.


Last year as a student I connected with a woman, “A,” during one of the outreaches in Dresden. She was struggling and needed a lot of help but she was seeking God, though she couldn’t feel him. Another missionary friend and I prayed with her and later got a Bible and gave it to a pastor to give to her after the school finished.
I was able to reconnect with her this Friday at the outreach, and I felt God really wanted me to give her a hug, even before she met up with us. She talked and shared with me and my teammate for a long time and was encouraged, saying, “You guys have such an amazing energy, something like happiness but it comes from the inside, not the outside! I can see it in your group!” I told her that she can connect with God without needing to have a feeling to be sure it is God. It seemed to make sense for her and she let us pray for her and wanted to meet us again another Friday. Please pray for her to connect with us again, for inner healing, and for God to speak to her in a way she understands. Thank Him for the way he is working in her and other people we met on the streets last week! We are going out again tomorrow (Friday, 8/11).

Keep the Faith, Expectantly!


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